June 21, 2017 Industry news
Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust talks to HSJ about the impact of GS1 standards in their hospitals
In this article, Alison Moore from the HSJ interviews Derby’s CEO, Clinical Director of Surgery, Director of Finance and Performance, Consultant Gastroenterologist and their Chief Nurse on the positive effect GS1 standards have had in the Trust.
“We can scan things really rapidly and build up a composite picture of what that patient is undergoing, when, where, how long it took, what the cost was in terms of consumable and so on.” Clinical director of surgery at Derby, Keith Jones
We know what set of instruments was used on a patient, which scope was used and what consumables. That allows me to see what a patient costs.”
Director of finance and performance at Derby, Kevin Downs
Derby predict that savings this year will be £2m, just from using GS1 standards in their theatres. And it’s not only saving them money – it’s automated their catalogue management, reducing nurse time spent ordering stock from up to a day a week to just one hour.
Read the full article below to find out how their implementation is going beyond this to be rolled out throughout their hospitals and across the patient pathway.
Download the full article (PDF)