Important: From Friday 17 January at 4:00pm to Monday 20 January at 2:00pm, our core services will be unavailable as we upgrade our My Numberbank platform.


Scan4Safety and UDI forum 2024

National insights and regulatory updates from 
across the UDI and Scan4Safety arena.

The Scan4Safety and UDI forum brought together key healthcare experts to discuss the latest Scan4Safety and UDI developments from across the UK and internationally.

About the forum

With ten speakers across nine topics, the forum brought together senior leaders across a half-day virtual to update on the latest Scan4Safety and UDI news.

Catch up on the session recordings from the forum and download the the presentation slides. You will also find access to the responses from the Q&A.

Your questions answered

Download the compiled responses to the questions from the forum.