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Woman holding a money-off coupon.

Money-off coupons

Give your customers access
to great deals with barcoded coupons.

Offering money off your products can be an effective way to attract new customers and keep your existing ones.

We can help you create barcoded money-off coupons with our GS1 coupon issuer prefixes, which mean customers can redeem specific amounts off your products in participating stores.

Our prefixes are available in both Sterling and Euros:

  • With our UK coupon issuer prefix you can create 1,000 Sterling coupon numbers
  • With our two Euro coupon issuer prefixes you can create 100 coupon numbers. Whether you’re using the prefix for coupons with a value of up to €9.98, or the one for coupons up to €99.80.

Benefits of coupons

Bring in new customers and retain existing

Bring in new customers and retain existing

Raise your brand awareness

Raise your brand awareness

Save money on advertising costs

Save money on advertising costs

Get barcoded money-off coupons

With GS1 issuer prefixes you can offer specific discounts on your products to keep your existing customers coming back and attract new ones.