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The national registry for Global Location Numbers (GLNs)


LocationManager holds GLNs for organisations and their locations in one place so you can access accurate information at your fingertips.

For an efficient healthcare supply chain, thousands of locations need to be managed on a daily basis, but how do you enable all stakeholders to have visibility of 10,000+ different addresses, 8,000+ billing details, and 90,000+ 'ship to' locations at any given time?

LocationManager makes this easier by managing these details centrally. Any time details are changed by supplier or trust, it only needs to be done once, and all relevant parties are notified of the update. 
This improves supply chain efficiency, enables traceability, and makes the distribution of vital products faster and safer. 

Who's it for?

All key healthcare stakeholders involved in the manufacture, distribution, supply, purchase and use of healthcare products and equipment should be using LocationManager.  

This includes: 



Brand owners

Brand owners







NHS arm's length bodies

NHS arm's length bodies

Regulatory authorities

Regulatory authorities

NHS trusts

NHS trusts


Define and manage your own account and location information

Define and manage your own account and location information

Access and search for any GLN information you require 24/7

Access and search for any GLN information you require 24/7

Subscribe to locations and receive real-time notifications of any changes made​​​​​​

Subscribe to locations and receive real-time notifications of any changes made​​​​​​

Add or create GLNs individually or through bulk upload

Add or create GLNs individually or through bulk upload

Maintain and manage your users or direct contacts in one place

Maintain and manage your users or direct contacts in one place

Facilitate e-procurement to take the manual burden out of purchase to pay transactions

Facilitate e-procurement to take the manual burden out of purchase to pay transactions

How LocationManager can support you

Hundreds of stakeholders involved in the healthcare supply chain need to have timely access to purchase to pay (P2P) information to prevent delays to the delivery of vital resources.

Managing this information effectively is important for trusts as they begin to submit electronic orders via PEPPOL. They want to know that their orders will be delivered to the right place, at the right time, every time – and using LocationManager enables just that.

By centrally managing these GLNs, each of the trusts you work with can rest assured that deliveries are in-stock and accessible whenever and wherever they are needed, ultimately preventing critical delays to patient care.

For you, this reduces the likelihood of missing deliveries and ensures that the trust has accurate information for billing.

The benefits of using LocationManager:

  • Reduced transaction costs
  • Ease of compliance to regulatory requirements
  • Single point of access to trust location information
  • Access to up-to-date manufacturer, wholesaler or distributor information 
  • Certainty of shipping and billing to the right location
  • Greater accuracy around product orders, pricing and payment
  • Improved patient safety as products are delivered to the right place when needed
  • Efficient product recalls 
  • Fewer invoice and payment queries 
  • Saves time

All NHS acute trusts you work with, are able to access LocationManager as part of the GS1 UK and NHS Digital five-year partnership agreement and NHS trusts in England have already committed to the implementation of GLNs and the adoption of LocationManager.

LocationManager provides an easy way of locating a GLN, or set of GLNs, for each supplier you use so you don’t waste valuable time trying to find the right supplier information when you need it.

And any changes made by you, or your suppliers, is updated in real time and stored so that it is readily available. It can then be accessed by all relevant parties without you having to update each of them individually.

The benefits of using LocationManager:

  • Get all your supplier location information in once place
  • Access your supplier’s to up-to-date details 
  • Removes inaccuracies and confusion caused by duplicate, incorrect and incomplete supplier address records
  • Physical locations (wards/departments) can be identified in seconds 
  • Greater accuracy around product orders, pricing and payment
  • Improved patient safety as products are delivered to the right place when needed
  • Efficient product recalls 
  • Certainty of delivery and billing to the right location 
  • Saves time and money for the trust

Subscription is free for all trusts as part of the GS1 UK and NHS Digital five-year partnership agreement and NHS trusts in England have already committed to the implementation of GLNs and the adoption of LocationManager.

Annual subscription to LocationManager

*All prices exclude VAT and are in addition to your GS1 membership fees. LocationManager is free for all trusts.
Annual turnover For suppliers*
up to £0.50m £50
£0.5m to £1m £75
£1m to £10m £110
£10m to £50m £160
£50m to £100m £650
£100m to £250m £900
£250m to £500m £1200
£500m to £1bn £1500
Over £1bn £1900

Subscribe to LocationManager

You must be a GS1 member to subscribe to LocationManager. If you are member of another GS1 member organisation and wish to subscribe please contact us.

Find out more

Get in touch

Get in touch

Get in touch with a member of the team to request a demo, or access to one of our available GLN and LocationManager training courses.

Digital transformation

LocationManager in practice

Find out how York Teaching Hospitals, B.Braun, and NEP have been using LocationManager to streamline purchase to pay.