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An insight report by GS1 UK

A critical juncture for DRS in the UK

An insight report by GS1 UK

In March 2024, the UK’s first deposit return scheme (DRS) goes live, initiating one of the most significant shake-ups the recycling system has ever seen.

Already used across the world in various forms, the UK government is now planning the rollout of their own deposit return scheme (DRS) initiatives. In less that one year's time, Scotland will be the first UK nation to implement a national DRS with England, Wales and Northern Ireland all planning to follow suit by 2025.

While this will fundamentally change the way we recycle for the better, dealing with legislative changes that are implemented differently in one country before another presents a major challenge for the UK. Without a simple, harmonised and future-proofed approach underpinned by global data standards, DRS could pose significant logistical problems for retailers, manufacturers and, consequently, consumers, who could experience higher prices and reduced choice.

A critical juncture for DRS in the UK

With a limited window of opportunity to solve the UK's DRS conundrum, our insight report explores the current DRS landscape, the various challenges facing successful implementation in the UK and the potential solutions for delivering it.

Download below to review our insights, recommendations and to find out how GS1 UK is working with both industry and government to support the development of harmonised, flexible and future-proofed approach that works for all.

Powering the circular economy

Deposit return schemes

Powering effective deposit return schemes

Harnessing the power of GS1 standards to support the successful roll out of DRS across all four UK nations.