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How to bulk upload product information

This short video shows you how to use the upload feature for managing your product information and GTIN13s using My Numberbank.

  • Make sure you keep the formatting of the file exactly as it is. Do not remove rows 1-4.  Adding or removing columns will cause the upload to fail. You can, however, remove rows that contain GTINs you do not want to update or alternatively, download Unused/Used GTINs only. (This will also make the upload go quicker as less information will need to be processed)
  • Product name is a required field, make sure you enter one!
  • The file contains numbers within your number range – stick to it!
  • Existing values (e.g. MPN, link) cannot be set to blank. You will either need to leave the descriptions as they are, update them or delete the entire row if no updates are required (this will also make the upload go quicker as less information will need to be processed)
  • You cannot delete bulk upload data; any blanks will be ignored and existing data will remain.  Enter any value in those fields
  • When entering data, make sure to use the correct columns for each piece of the info
  • Make sure you’re uploading against the correct prefix and the correct number type (GTIN-13s and GLNs are different!). Please ensure you have selected Number Type and Prefix.  (tool tip?)
  • If you get the “prefix doesn’t match” error it means you’re either uploading against the wrong prefix or the numbers within the file have been changed to scientific notation
  • If you have multiple prefixes, you will need to perform separate uploads; different prefixes cannot be mixed in one file
  • Make sure you stay within the character limit for each field:
    • Product name: 256
    • Main brand: 70
      Sub-brand: 70
    • Description: 500
    • Web link: 200
    • MPN: 70
    • SKU: 70

*if you have received an error message about truncation that means you have gone over the limit

Depending on the prefix size and the amount of information in your file it can take up to 15 min. You will receive an email with a download link that you can either click or copy-paste.

All downloaded files are saved in a .csv format can only be saved once. If you save a .csv more than once, the format of the GTINs will get changed to scientific notation or be rounded up/down. If this happens you will need to download the file again to fix the issue.

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Uploads are not performed immediately; they will go into a queue where the file will have to wait its turn (max 72h but actually much quicker). Depending on how many users are performing an upload and how much information your file contains the upload times may vary.

You will receive an email once the upload has been completed. If you haven’t received the email within 72h – check your junk/spam folders.  For this reason it is best to log into My GS1 with your own email address. If you are logged in as admin, you can add further contacts in Manage Contacts section, otherwise speak to your admin.

If you are using a Mac, we cannot 100% guarantee that Apple software will work correctly, when you upload a file, as there may be some encoding issues. Instead, we recommend for a successful upload of a .csv, that you use Microsoft Office software on your Mac.

Any contact on the account that has a product or admin role assigned to them.