Advanced notice: From 7:00pm on Friday 7 March until 5:00pm on Saturday 8 March you will not be able to access My GS1, My Numberbank or become a member due to a routine system upgrade.

GS1 powered QR codes pilot programme frequently asked questions (FAQs)

1. What the criteria for joining the pilot programme?

You need to be a GS1 UK member and be able to change your packaging to include a the GS1 powered QR code by the end of November 2023. At the end of the pilot programme, we are looking for all participants to complete a survey. For full terms and conditions please see here.


2. Is there a cost involved in being part of the pilot programme?

No there is no cost involved in setting you up on the platform, however there will be a cost incurred for any print and design costs for to change your packaging (please note that we do not offer this service).


3. Who from my team will need to be involved?

We usually work with the founder or a marketing lead, essentially anyone who is responsible for content and marketing.


4. How easy is it to set up? Do I need much technical expertise?

No, it is a very easy setup, which our team will help you through. You may want to do a sub-domain redirect. This needs to be performed by your web administrator.


5. How long is the pilot programme?

The pilot will run until May 2024, we are looking for participants to be on the pilot for at least 6 months.


6. Is there a limit of the number of GS1 powered QR codes I can use during the pilot programme?

Each participant has a limit of 10 SKUs during the pilot programme. That number of SKUs allows us to test the solution robustly for your brand.


7. What happens when the pilot programme finishes?

When the pilot programme is finished, you will have the option to continue using the same features used to manage the ten products included in the pilot programme at no cost.  If you no longer want to use the solution after the pilot programme finishes, we can redirect the GS1 powered QR codes to a single web address of your choosing for each product.


8. Do I need to keep my existing linear barcode on my packaging during the pilot programme?

Yes, you will still need your GS1 linear barcode on your packaging. If possible, we recommend having the QR code on the front of your packaging and barcode on the back, if space allowed for this. If not then we recommend placing the QR code alongside your existing GS1 barcode with a call-to-action for your customers encouraging them to scan with their smartphone.


9. Can I integrate an existing QR code into this solution?

No, you will need to replace the existing QR code with a GS1 powered QR code.


10. Do I need to be an existing GS1 UK member and have GS1 barcodes already?

Yes, but don’t worry if you are not a member already. Becoming a member is easy. It is also mandatory to have GS1 authenticated barcodes if you are looking to trade via online marketplaces and retailers such as Amazon, Whole Foods and major supermarkets such as Asda, Tesco and Waitrose. Find out more here on how to become GS1 UK member.


11. Why can’t I use my existing QR codes, what are the differences with GS1 powered QR codes?

An existing QR code contains a permanent single web address that takes your customers to a web page. The GS1 powered QR code contains your GS1 product identifier, the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) and points to a lookup table where you manage a menu of web addresses that take your customers to any number of information sources on the web using the product identifier. These are the very same identifiers that are relied upon throughout industry and will eventually allow your product to be scanned at point of sale in retail outlets.

You can also embed traceability data within it such as batch number, expiry dates which improves the efficiency of the supply chain.

You are in control of what your customers see when they scan the QR code on your product, and you can change any of the web addresses as frequently as you like.

As an early adopter of this solution, you will already be on your way to harnessing the benefits of a GS1 powered QR codes.


12. Can I preview the appearance of a QR code powered by GS1 landing page for one of my products?

Yes – you can preview a product landing page using this quick and easy tool.


13. What colours can be used for printing the QR code? 

Having good contrast is essential, so use dark colours on a light background. Black on white is a great combination. The vast majority of scanners use red light, therefore don't use red or orange for your dark colour.


14. The pilot programme uses open graph tags from your product pages to create the dynamic landing page for QR codes powered by GS1. This removes the need for us to manage product data across multiple systems. How does my product page appear to GS1 and in social media?

Click here to create an example.


15. How do I use my own domain name in a QR code powered by GS1?

Complete one-time setup of a sub domain redirect (which will work for all products).  We've published this guide to explain how to setup the subdomain redirect. 


16. How do I check that I have setup the sub domain redirect correctly?

This can be checked here.


17. How do I calculate the minimum size for a GS1 powered QR code created for a product.

The solution provider you are working with to create the QR code image should be able to advise you. To calculate the size yourself:

GS1 powered QR codes pilot programme frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Count the number of modules from left to right, add the space created for the quiet zone which is 8 modules and then multiple the number of modules by 0.396.

e.g. (29+8) * 0.396 = 14.652mm

(The minimum size for each module, 0.396 has been sourced from the GS1 General Specification for standards compliance).