Early bird registration is now open for the GS1 UK Healthcare Conference. Join us on 29-30 April at QEII, London. Secure your ticket today


Videos and presentations

Keynote sessions

Global standards powering traceability

Relive the presentations from day one's first opening keynote speakers focusing on the theme of global standards powering traceability.

Day one welcome address

Opening the first day of the 2022 Healthcare Conference, GS1 UK chief executive officer, Anne Godfrey, welcomed attendees.

Seize the day - seize the data

Following the publication of The Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review, “First Do No Harm”, Baroness Julia Cumberlege discusses the progress made following the review's release.

Baroness Cumberlege highlighted the power of data to improve traceability and patient safety.

Baroness Julia Cumberlege CBE DL, chair, The Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review

Digital safety and ePOCT implementation

Following on from Baroness Cumberlege's opening keynote, this session highlighted the importance of data and interoperability in the drive for patient safety. Dr Kelsey Flott shared an update on the introduction of the electronic point of care traceability (ePOCT) programme and explores how global standards support efficient data capture.

Dr Kelsey Flott, deputy director of patient safety, NHS England Transformation Directorate

Medical device traceability wherever you are – the safety and regulatory imperatives

In a panel discussion chaired by Lord Philip Hunt PC OBE, president, GS1 UK, speakers took a deeper dive into medical device traceability, the regulatory requirements, and the implications on patient safety.

Panellists included: Baroness Julia Cumberlege CBE DL, chair, The IMMDSR; Emma Summers, programme head data services directorate, NHS Digital; Dr Kelsey Flott, deputy director of patient safety, NHS England Transformation Directorate; Dr Alison Cave, chief safety officer, MHRA; and Géraldine Lissalde-Bonnet, director of public policy, GS1 Global Office

Watch day one part two

With a theme of 'why GS1 standards start with the supply chain'
catch up on part two of day one's keynotes.