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HFSS promotional location webinar


Understanding the HFSS promotional location regulations: Are you in scope?

New Regulations on the placement of foods high in fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) will come into force on 1 October 2022. With the implementation date fast approaching we partnered up with leading trade bodies, the Food and Drink Federation and the British Retail Consortium, to provide guidance through a webinar to help businesses prepare.

The webinar provided guidance on:

  • Whether your business will be liable

  • Clarifying the scope of the regulations

  • How to identify if your products are in scope

  • How to calculate the nutrient profiling model ‘HFSS’ score

Understanding the HFSS promotional location regulations: are you in scope? Part 1

Andrea Martinez-Inchausti, the British Retail Consortium's deputy director for food policy explains how to identify if your products are in scope and if your business will be liable.

You can download the full presentation here

Other useful links

BRC HFSS guidance for products in and out of scope

Understanding the HFSS promotional location regulations: are you in scope? Part 2

Louise Allen, the food and drink federation's senior executive of diet and health takes us through how to calculate the nutrient profiling score for HFSS and answers questions.

You can download the full presentation here

Other useful links

NPM technical guidance

Technical guidance on how to calculate F/V/N

FDF promotions guidance page

FDF advertising guidance page

FDF  nutrient profiling page

Understanding the HFSS promotional location regulations: are you in scope? Part 2

Due to the number of questions we received in the first webinar, Andrea and Louise rejoined us for an open Q&A to answer your questions. 

Full published Q&A from both webinars

Andrea and Louise worked through all of the questions submitted in both webinars which we have published here.


productDNA HFSS

GS1 UK have collaborated with leading retailers to create a free HFSS solution as part of the existing productDNA platform. Suppliers will be able to easily manage and share their HFSS product data to multiple retailers in one action.