Transition period

If there is no need to add data beyond the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) to the barcode (e.g., batch/lot number or expiry date) or enhance consumer engagement through connecting to online resources, an EAN/UPC may still be used. 

Different regions of the world will move at different paces towards the goal of scanning 2D barcodes at retail point-of-sale. 2D barcodes cannot be scanned by the traditional laser scanners that have been used for 1D barcodes – optical scanning technology is needed. Fortunately, optical scanners are becoming more common in retail, but a substantial percentage of laser scanners are still in use. For the systems that already have optical scanners, additional updates may be needed to process and use the data the barcodes hold. Retailers are not currently in the position to accept these barcodes but 2D pilots are underway.   

At GS1 UK, we believe that there is already a natural progression by global industry towards 2D solutions in light of consumer demands and regulatory requirements, but we don’t expect a fixed date for this and want to work with our members on the transition. We do believe, however, that developments in legislation and regulation could be a catalyst to implement change sooner rather than later.  

QR codes powered by GS1

By combining the power of the internet with GS1 identifiers, QR codes powered by GS1 can do anything a regular QR code can do, as well as be used across the supply chain and point of sale.

Image of an EAN symbol

The EAN/UPC barcodes you currently see on products will continue to be used alongside GS1-powered QR codes for as long as they remain useful.

For the present, when using QR codes powered by GS1, an EAN/UPC is still needed on-pack in most cases when selling in store. This will ensure that during this period of transition, advanced use cases can be implemented by retailers who have upgraded their hardware and software while the existing price lookup function will still work for retailers who have not. 

Scan smarter with QR codes powered by GS1

Scan smarter with QR codes powered by GS1

Experience the next generation of barcodes.