
When the EAN-13 barcode is at its nominal size (100%), the narrowest bar or space measures 0.33 mm. This measurement, known as the X-dimension or module width, is used to determine the barcode’s overall size. 

EAN 13


  • X-dimension = width of smallest bar or space (module width)
  • Nominal X-dimension (100% magnification)​ = 0.330mm

It’s important to note that:


Re-sized barcodes must always be kept in proportion.


The height of the barcode should not be reduced (truncated) unless absolutely necessary as this makes it more difficult to scan. 


Size may vary depending on the printing process, quality of ink and printing surface.

EAN-13 barcode X-dimension and magnification:

Width includes the left and right quiet zones, and height is from the top to the bottom of the bars (excluding the numbers)
Magnification (% X-dimension (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)
80 0.33 29.83 18.28
85 0.281 31.70 19.42
90 0.297 33.56 20.57
95 0.313 35.43 21.71
100 0.330 37.29 22.85
150 0.495 55.94 34.28


The EAN-8 is used for very small retail products and is created from a GTIN-8. 

ean 8

EAN-8 barcode X-dimension and magnification:

Magnification (%)  X-dimension (mm)  Width (mm)  Height (mm)
80  0.264  21.38  14.58 
85  0.281  22.72  15.50 
90  0.297  24.06  16.41 
100 0.330 26.73 18.23

The smaller you make the barcode, the less margin for error you have in the printing process. Generally speaking, the bigger the barcode the better.

Check GS1 General Specifications Symbol specification table 1 - Trade items scanned in general retail POS and not general distribution for further details.