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Over 900 suppliers benefitting from productDNA powered by Syndigo

GS1 UK and Syndigo have been working in close collaboration to enhance the service and identify new opportunities for data sharing.

checkout scan square

More than 900 manufacturers and suppliers have successfully migrated to the new productDNA data management and sharing service. Since GS1 UK appointed Syndigo to enhance and administer productDNA in March 2023, these successful migrations have enabled brands to move all of their product information to Syndigo’s new technology platform.

Built and governed in collaboration with the UK grocery industry, productDNA was launched by GS1 UK in 2017 to provide a single catalogue of high-quality, independently verified product data underpinned by GS1 standards.

Following a competitive tender, GS1 UK chose Syndigo to manage productDNA to ensure that the service continues to evolve in line with industry needs, legislative requirements, and the ever-growing demand for accurate, standardised, quality product data.

Anne Godfrey

Anne Godfrey, CEO of GS1 UK

Commenting on the transition, Anne Godfrey, CEO of GS1 UK said:

“productDNA has enabled the UK grocery industry to make progress in how it captures, shares and uses product data.

"As a result of adopting a common platform and data language, stakeholders have been able to respond more effectively to shifting legislative, business and consumer demands; proving that when industry needs to find solutions to address shared challenges, collaboration is imperative."

Karim Iskandar, CEO International, Syndigo UK, added:

"Our partnership with GS1 UK is uniquely beneficial to the grocery industry, and we believe that productDNA, powered by Syndigo, provides users with an improved solution specifically designed to strengthen the service’s core proposition and maximise its value to industry.”

The newer productDNA platform retains all of the core features that have enabled more than 70 per cent of UK grocery retail sector to build trust, streamline operations, establish more efficient supply chains and adapt to new legislation. It also includes a range of additional enhanced tools and user experiences, including greater flexibility, extensive workflows and additional reporting, and Syndigo’s global presence.  

In the eight months since the transition was first announced, GS1 UK and Syndigo have been working in close collaboration to further enhance the service and identify new opportunities for data sharing. 

HFSS products on shelf

This includes ensuring the productDNA data model can facilitate compliance with current and planned regulations related to product packaging, such as extended producer responsibility (EPR) and deposit return schemes (DRS).

In March 2022, productDNA played a crucial role in helping retailers and their suppliers adapt quickly and effectively to upcoming restrictions on High Fat Sugar Salt (HFSS) products. Rapid deployment through a collective industry effort saw more than 88,000 product updates shared to over 75 per cent of the UK grocery market via the platform.

GS1 UK will remain actively involved in the continued development of productDNA, maintaining adherence to the single data model, facilitating greater collaboration between stakeholders and helping industry meet new regulatory demands by harnessing the power of trusted data.

“Our partnership with Syndigo has delivered numerous benefits to our members, providing them with additional services and a solid foundation for meeting the data demands of the future. We look forward to building on the progress that has been made to drive wider adoption of this standardised approach for the collection of quality data”, said Anne Godfrey.

Karim Iskandar, CEO International, Syndigo UK

Karim Iskandar, CEO International, Syndigo UK

Karim Iskandar added, “We are investing in the growth of the recipient network, expanding into complementary sectors and continue to develop our technology proactively, and in response to the legislative landscape.

“The importance of accurate, complete and trusted supplier, product and location data underpins advancements being made in data science, business process efficiency and value-added content – productDNA and Syndigo’s wider portfolio of services is at the heart of the solution.”

Sign up for productDNA

To sign up to productDNA head over to Syndigo and speak to one of the team.


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