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Gaining exec-level buy-in to improve patient safety

Speaking at our healthcare conference, Allan Rivans talked us through Northampton General Hospital’s journey towards implementing GS1 standards.


Allan Rivans is Head of Procurement at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust.


Where it all started

Northampton has the same problem as most Trusts across the NHS – they’re struggling with finances. In 2012, Northampton received an audit report showing that their inventory was increasing significantly. It was clear that investment in an inventory system was needed.

The Department of Health has also mandated the use of GS1 standards across NHS Trusts, which is why Nottingham started working with GS1 to implement a new inventory system.

Why GS1 standards?

Rivans emphasised that they’re not going through all this effort simply because the eProcurement strategy mandates them to, but because the positive impact [of implementing GS1 standards] on patient safety is so great.

No other programme has the potential to improve every part of what we do and the care of our patients.”

Allan Rivans

Rivans highlighted the benefits of adopting GS1 standards:

Primary benefits (patient focus)

  • Reduced patient risk
  • Better patient experience
  • Complete product traceability
  • Faster patient recall
  • Reduced adverse drug effects

Secondary benefits - operational and cost

  • Reduced data management costs
  • Reduced processing costs
  • Patient level costing
  • Service line reporting

Trusts need strong engagement from the outset

To achieve the best possible outcomes, Rivans believes that Trusts need strong engagement from the outset – not just from the senior execs, but all the way through the organisation.

One of the challenges is to determine where this project sits within an organisation. “It really needs to be supported by the execs and you need to have your voice heard within the executive team.”.

What’s next?

Implementing GS1 standards means devices and drugs can be linked to where, when and on which patient they’re used – making patient-level costing possible.

The board fully acknowledge the benefits of GS1. They recognise the benefits to have the right product, at the right time, at the right price.”

Allan Rivans


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