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Annual General Meeting 2024

Thursday 7 November
11:30am - 12:30pm

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for our members to have their say on the way GS1 UK is run, and to vote on the people standing for election, or re-election, to the board.

This year we’ll be holding our AGM at 30 Euston Square, London NW1 2FB. To ensure all GS1 UK members have the opportunity to take part, the meeting will also be accessible online. This includes being able to vote and ask questions.

Andrew New, CEO of NHS Supply Chain

Andrew New, CEO of NHS Supply Chain

Following the formalities, we will welcome our keynote speaker, Andrew New, CEO of NHS Supply Chain. As the leader of a pivotal organisation managing the procurement, delivery, and supply of essential healthcare products, services, and food across England and Wales, Andrew offers invaluable insights into the complexities of modern supply chain management.  

His extensive experience in construction and heavy engineering provides a unique perspective on operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness, making his address particularly timely given the current political and healthcare landscape. 

This will be followed by a reception and networking lunch for members, partners, and key stakeholders at 1:00pm.

Details of the business to be conducted at the meeting and how to vote are set out in the calling notice. This will be published on our website and will be available to all GS1 UK members on Monday 14 October 2024. If you require a postal copy of the calling notice, please email

To register your attendance for the AGM, please complete the form below.

Register for AGM

Contact our AGM team

If you have a query about the AGM please contact us on If you'd like to submit a question for the meeting, please provide your full name, membership number, and keep your question within 50 words.