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Read our latest news and you will learn how our standards are being applied throughout the UK and globally.

217 news items listed


Consumer trust and transparency, enabled by identity

The GS1 Global Forum 2022 recently welcomed Mike Capsambelis, product management lead at Google, onto the plenary stage.

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DAPB0108 for AIDC update

GS1 UK have been working with NHS Digital to update the NHS Information Standard DAPB0108 for AIDC. Here is an overview of what you need to know.

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How the industry is solving the HFSS dilemma

In the latest instalment of our HFSS webinar series, Dan Sands, head of sales, GS1 UK and Lauren Marshall, sales manager, GS1 UK shared insights on how the industry has come together to create a standardised solution for adapting to new legislation.

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How digitalisation can reduce the burden on healthcare staff

How much of a benefit could a digitalised supply chain be for the clinical front line? GHX's James Minard, reviews how digital can be used to the burden on healthcare staff.

Guest opinion piece


Traceability matters – the vital role of track and tracing in healthcare

Traceability is especially important in clinical settings where failures can pose serious risks to patient safety. GS1 UK's Anne Godfrey, and Ingenica's Steve Saunders, delve into the reasons why.

Guest opinion piece


Building a direct-to-consumer (D2C) fashion brand

The Fashion Exchange 2022 by Enterprise Nation saw a whole host of industry experts, leaders and founders come together to share experiences and insights.

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HFSS: your questions answered

The new high fat, sugar, and salt (HFSS) legislation will have far reaching implications for the FMCG market.

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Powering effective traceability to improve patient safety

The  GS1 UK Healthcare Conference returns on 17–18 March. Building on the key themes of patient safety and digital transformation, it will explore the impact potential of GS1 standards in shaping the future of healthcare.

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The engagement gap

Regardless of your job role, what you think is happening and what is actually happening across your NHS trust, may be completely different. Ingenica's Steve Saunders assesses healthcare's engagement gap.

Guest opinion piece


Help shape future standards

GS1 standards create a common foundation for business by uniquely identifying, accurately capturing, and automatically sharing vital information about products, locations, assets and more.

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