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Why consumers are calling for greater food transparency

Powering Progress

Why consumers are calling for greater food transparency

On 1 October 2021, all businesses in the food and drinks industry were legally required to “clearly” label allergen information on products, to ensure compliance with Natasha’s Law.

But with more than 80% of businesses feeling unprepared for the changes, and 41% of employees never having heard of Natasha’s Law, are businesses doing enough to inform and protect consumers?

To ensure your business is complying with new legislation, and to provide insight on why these changes are necessary to protect and inform consumers, we brought together a panel of experts to discuss:

  • Why consumers are demanding greater transparency
  • How the food and drinks industry can become more accountable
  • The impact on consumers if companies are not fully prepared for Natasha’s Law
  • How businesses ensure there are prepared for future legislation such as Owen’s Law and HFSS

Feed us the Facts

Ahead of Natasha's Law coming into force, we carried out research to understand how prepared businesses were for this change in legislation. It turns out 8 in 10 businesses were unprepared...

FSA packaging and labelling guidance

Do you know the full legal requirements that you have to follow as a food business?